
Automation of the Pumping and Turbine power plant of Breña II (Cordoba, Spain)

  • Hits: 4226

Bobitécnic is in charge of automating the control of pumping and turbine Breña II, an extension of the existing reservoir of the Breña located in the catchment area of the Guadalquivir, in Cordova.

The construction of this expansion is intended to extend the regulation of the Guadalquivir catchment area, guaranteeing the necessary water flow for irrigation and supply in the area.

Bobitécnic S.L. has designed, build and supply the electrical panels with the necessary components for the regulation and automation of the following elements:

  • 2 generators of 19 MW of francis turbines for the electrical usability of the discharged water.
  • 6 pumps of 6,5 MW for the pumping of water from the river channel to the reservoir.
  • 2 pumps of 1,8 MW for the pumping of water from the river channel to the reservoir.



Detalles contacto

Pol. Ind. Illa Sud
C/Tomàs Viladomiu nº13
08650 Sallent (Barcelona)

Tel +34 93 820 61 20
Email: mail@bobitecnic.com
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Inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Barcelona
Tomo 22464, Hoja núm. B37477, Inscripción 3.ª, N.I.F.:B58.607.227

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